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Laser Beams

Author: the photonics expert (RP)

Definition: light beams propagating dominantly in one direction

More general term: light beams

More specific terms: collimated beams, Gaussian beams, diffraction-limited beams, flat-top beams

Categories: article belongs to category general optics general optics, article belongs to category laser devices and laser physics laser devices and laser physics

DOI: 10.61835/ggt   Cite the article: BibTex plain textHTML   Link to this page   LinkedIn

In most cases, a laser emits light in the form of a well-directed light beam, which is called a laser beam. This means that the light dominantly propagates in a certain direction, typically with most of the optical power concentrated to a small area of the order of a square millimeter.

Laser beams are often close to Gaussian beams, where the transverse profile of the optical intensity can be described with a Gaussian function, the width of which varies along the propagation direction.

Gaussian beam
Figure 1: Snapshot of the electric field distribution around the focus of a Gaussian beam. In this example, the beam radius is only slightly larger than the wavelength, and the beam divergence is strong.

Generally, laser beams exhibit a high degree of spatial coherence, which is related to a high beam quality. As a result, one obtains good focusability and the potential to form collimated beams with very low beam divergence.

When a laser beam hits some object (for example a workpiece in laser material processing), the arriving optical intensity is also called the irradiance.

The propagation of Gaussian beams can be calculated with a set of relatively simple equations. In cases with non-ideal beam quality, one can use a generalized set of equations which also involves the so-called beam quality factor M2. In this case, the equations cannot predict the detailed evolution of beam profile, but only of the beam radius based on the second moment of the intensity profile (D4σ method).

Laser light often have a small optical bandwidth, so that the temporal coherence is also high. An often unwanted consequence of the high level of coherence is the tendency to form laser speckle patterns.

The optical power of a laser beam may hardly change during propagation in a transparent medium, or quickly decay in an absorbing or scattering medium. Inhomogeneous media (i.e., media with a locally varying refractive index) can also distort the shapes of laser beams. This can happen due to e.g. thermal effects such as thermal lensing in a gain medium. In gases or liquids, thermal blooming effects may occur at high optical powers.

Some lasers emit continuously, but a laser beam can also consist of a fast sequence of pulses, with many millions or even billions of pulses per second (→ pulse repetition rate). The light distribution may then be described as a regular sequence of a kind of “light bullets”.

Laser light is often linearly polarized, i.e., the electric field oscillates in a certain direction perpendicular to the propagation direction. Some lasers, however, emit light with an undefined, fluctuating polarization state.

A laser beam of visible light with sufficiently high power may be visible when propagating in air, particularly in a relatively dark room. This is because a tiny portion of the optical power is scattered by dust particles and/or density fluctuations in the air and can therefore reach the observing eye. When the laser beam hits some diffusely scattering object, such as a white screen, a much brighter spot is seen on that screen, since most of the optical power is scattered at this point.

There are various types of devices which are no lasers (not being based on stimulated emission) but nevertheless emit light beams with similar properties like laser beams, with high spatial coherence in particular. Examples are optical parametric oscillators and supercontinuum sources.

Near Field and Far Field of Laser Beams

The near field is understood to be the region around the beam waist (focus). The far field concerns the profile far from the waist, i.e., in a distance from the focus which is large compared with the effective Rayleigh length. The far field intensity profile reveals details of the beam divergence, which in the near field can be obtained only with wavefront measurements. As it is often not practical to access the far field directly, one may use a focusing lens (or mirror) to obtain an intensity profile in its focal plane which reveals a scaled-down version of the far field pattern.

Limitations for the Focusing of Laser Beams

Laser beams can be used for transmitting optical energy to rather small spots or with low divergence over large distances. However, there are limitations to this, which involve the optical wavelength, the beam quality and the transverse size of the used focusing or collimation optics. Some of these limitations are discussed in the following, always assuming propagation of the beam through a homogeneous medium (i.e., with no added beam distortions on the way).

If a laser beam is focused on a spot (beam waist) with beam radius <$w_0$>, it exhibits a certain beam divergence angle which is inversely proportional to the waist beam radius and proportional to the optical wavelength in the M2 factor:

$$\theta = {M^2}\frac{\lambda }{{\pi {w_0}}}$$

The used focusing optics must be able to handle that amount of divergence; a limitation for that results from the limited numerical aperture of the optics. Also, if the focus has to have a large distance from the focusing optics and/or the waist radius is small or the beam quality is low, the beam radius in the focusing optics will necessarily be quite large. A correspondingly large open aperture of the optics is required. Such factors can in practice set a lower limit to the achievable radius in the focus, or an upper limit to the tolerable M2 factor.

In some cases, one optimizes the beam radius in the focus such that the radius at a certain distance from the focus is as small as possible. For that purpose, one has to choose the waist beam radius such that the effective Rayleigh length equals the mentioned transmission distance. The resulting radius at the distant position will then be ≈1.41 times the waist beam radius.

If the sent-out light does not have to have its focus at the focusing optics, one should place the focus in the middle between the optics and the distant point. Ideally, the effective Rayleigh length will then be half the transmission distance. The beam radius at the distance spot will be identical to that at the focusing optics, and ≈1.41 times larger than in the beam focus.

For example, if a Gaussian laser beam at 1064 nm should be sent to the moon (distance 380 000 km) to illuminate a small spot there, the ideal radius in the focus will be 8 m, such that the Rayleigh length is 190 000 km. The beam radius in the focusing optics and on the moon will then be 11.3 m, and the aperture diameter of the optics should be of the order of 30 m. If the used sending telescope cannot be that large, the illuminated spot on the moon will be larger.

When creating a beam focus in some distance from some focusing optics with a limited open aperture, the possible waist radius will increase if that distance is increased. Furthermore, there is a maximum to that distance; in the extreme case, the distance equals the effective Rayleigh length of the beam, and the resulting waist beam radius will be smaller than the beam radius at the focusing optics by the square root of 2 (≈1.41). One can thus easily calculate the Rayleigh length based on the initial radius and thus the maximum focusing distance.

Experimental Characterization of Laser Beams

There are various devices and techniques for characterizing a laser beam in various respects; see the article on laser beam characterization.

For many laser applications, it is essential to have proper means for beam diagnostics, as many possible problems can be identified with such instruments.

Switching of Laser Beams

If a laser beam is unwanted at certain times – for example, for safety reasons –, one may in principle simply turn off the laser. This is not always practical, however. In some cases, one applies some kind of beam shutter, with which the beam can be blocked when necessary. The switching can also be automated, e.g. to automatically lock a beam when a laser enclosure is opened. For periodic switching, there are optical choppers.

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[1]H. Kogelnik and T. Li, “Laser beams and resonators”, Appl. Opt. 5 (10), 1550 (1966); https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.5.001550
[2]A. E. Siegman, “Defining, measuring, and optimizing laser beam quality”, Proc. SPIE 1868, 2 (1993); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.150601
[3]A. E. Siegman, Lasers, University Science Books, Mill Valley, CA (1986)

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The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide contains 59 suppliers for beam collimators. Among them:


beam collimators

Avantier offers a wide range of standard collimating lenses, which includes aspheric and achromatic lenses suitable for various light sources such as laser diodes with high divergence. These standard collimating lenses have the ability to convert divergent laser beams into well-collimated laser beams. These collimated beams can then be utilized for laser material processing, laser scanning applications, and interferometry by entering beam expanders.

Focuslight Technologies

beam collimators

Focuslight Technologies offers beam collimators for high-power laser diodes:

Edmund Optics

beam collimators

Edmund Optics offers a wide range of laser accessories, including different kinds of beam collimators and expanders. In particular, we have fiber-coupled collimators which are suitable for FC/PC, FC/APC and SMA connectors.

DPM Photonics

beam collimators

The Model 02-M010 is a three-element, air-spaced anastigmat designed specifically for collimating the output of large diameter silica fibers used in high power medical and industrial applications. It is equally suitable for collimating the output of Large Mode Area (LMA) or Photonic Crystal (PC) fibers with smaller numerical apertures. The mechanical assembly allows a precise translation of the lens (without rotation) relative to the fiber face.

The unique design of the Model 02-M010 prevents retroreflections near the fiber face or within the core material. All elements are fused silica (the exception being the 1800–2000 nm collimator optics that are Infrasil) with either V-type or broadband coatings, depending on the operating wavelength range. When used for imaging purposes, the three-element design ensures the output mode from the fiber is preserved, without distortion, even at high throughput powers.


beam collimators

Collimation of single mode fibres can be made simple with the use of a PowerPhotonic fiber collimating micro lens array. We design and manufacture standard and custom in 1D and 2D arrays. All products are made in high grade fused silica and capable of both high efficiency and high power handling and our unique process minimises channel cross talk due to extremely low scatter. Lenses can spheric, aspheric or freeform due to our unique manufacturing process.

TOPTICA Photonics

beam collimators

The FiberOut fiber collimator transforms the divergent beam emitted at the end of an optical fiber into a collimated one. It can be equipped with a variety of lenses, matching different fiber mode-field diameters and output beam sizes. The rugged, inexpensive collimator can be used for both FC/PC and FC/APC-type connectors. It can be easily mounted on post or into optical mounts (25 mm diameter).

CSRayzer Optical Technology

CSRayzer provides different kinds of sing mode or polarization-maintaining fiber pigtail collimators, large beam collimators, and fixed focus collimators.

Frankfurt Laser Company

beam collimators

Frankfurt Laser Company offers beam collimators which are designed for diode laser collimation.

We also offer a complete range of aspheric collimators with excellent performance, small and light design, and with fewer components in the optical system. Manufactured using glass replication technology, the lenses are a cost effective solution for a wide range of application and are available in a wide range of specification.

Shanghai Optics

beam collimators

Shanghai Optics provide many different types of standard collimating lenses, including aspheric and achromatic lenses for many different light sources such as highly divergent laser diodes. Our standard collimating lenses can convert divergent laser beams to well-collimated laser beams that enter beam expanders for interferometry, laser material processing and laser scanning applications.

We also provide custom collimating lenses for projecting a source at infinity for infinite conjugate testing of optical systems. The collimating lenses can consist of several optical elements. The selection of optical materials and optical configuration depends on the entrance pupil diameter, wavelength, focal length, and field of view of the optical system under test.

Questions and Comments from Users


Is there any chance to develop a technology to transport large quantities of energy to long distances by laser beams, instead of doing it through heavy and expensive copper?

The author's answer:

There are such ideas for transmitting power from satellites down to Earth. However, I think that method is not particularly practical. One would need to operate very powerful lasers in space and lose a lot of the power there and at other locations. These problems seem to by far outweigh the advantage of having solar panels in space, receiving higher solar intensities.

Generally, such technologies will find it hard to compete with copper, since the energy losses are typically far higher and various other technological difficulties arise in addition.

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