Laser Specifications
Author: the photonics expert Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta (RP)
Definition: descriptions of essential properties of a laser system, such as performance parameters, dimensions, and operating conditions
More specific term: noise specifications
DOI: 10.61835/mv3 Cite the article: BibTex plain textHTML Link to this page LinkedIn
For commercially sold lasers and laser systems, it is common to have a set of laser specifications, i.e., descriptions of their properties with some precision, as far as these are relevant for the users. (Internal details, which do not directly affect the user, are usually not specified.) Such specifications (in short: specs) are made by suppliers of lasers (usually by the manufacturers), but also a buyer will usually write down the required specifications for his application before selecting a laser model. Most aspects of this article apply both to certain laser components and to complete laser systems.
Laser specifications are important for different purposes:
- The buyer of a laser needs to be informed about the essential properties of a laser system before buying and when applying a system. Some key performance figures such as output power and beam quality normally need to be guaranteed, and various details must be known for proper application, for example for combining the laser with other devices.
- Specifications are often included in quotations and purchase orders to define duties of the supplier and conditions for use. In cases of conflict between user and supplier, specifications may be used to determine whether or not a laser system is delivering what it could be expected to deliver.
For most purposes, it is important that laser specifications are clear and precise, well understandable for all involved parties, and complete. In practice, specifications are often deficient concerning one or several of these aspects because insufficient know-how and experience was available for writing them, or the task was carried out with insufficient diligence. Such deficiencies can cause substantial technical and other problems. For example, incomplete specifications may make the selection of a laser complicated, create uncertainties for the application of a system, raise unrealistic expectations, or cause errors in the integration of laser products into other machinery. In cases of conflict, parties may insist on incompatible interpretations of unclear specifications or of the consequences of deviations, and this can contribute to expensive, time-consuming and risky legal conflicts.
Because such problems can be severe, a high degree of diligence is recommended
- when formulating specifications for an existing product,
- when defining the requirements for some application, and
- when determining whether a certain system will be suitable for an application.
However, certain important aspects are easily overlooked, particularly when no substantial experience with the type of devices or their application is available. For example, a user may not be aware of certain typical problems and limitations of certain laser types, while a manufacturer may not be aware of certain critical issues for an application.
Types of Specifications
Specifications can address very different aspects, such as performance figures, device lifetime, required ambient condition, and other properties such as dimensions, weight and mounting details.
Performance Specifications
It is normally of central importance for the buyer of a laser system that certain performance figures are reached. What performance figures exactly are relevant, depends both on the details of the system and its application. Some typically important specifications concern the following aspects:
- The output power must stay within certain limits. Note that the output power may depend on additional conditions. For example, for pulsed lasers the average output power may depend on the chosen pulse repetition rate, and for tunable lasers it normally varies with the chosen wavelength.
- Various properties of the output laser beam need to be defined, in particular its transverse size: the beam radius (or diameter) at the exit from the laser housing, whether the beam is collimated, otherwise (for divergent or convergent beams) where the beam waist is located. Note that different definitions for the beam radius exist.
- The beam quality may be specified via the beam parameter product (BPP) or the M2 factor.
- The polarization may be linear with a given direction (vertical or horizontal). In other cases, the polarization is undefined, or rarely an unpolarized output is even guaranteed.
- For pulsed lasers, relevant quantities can be the pulse repetition rate, pulse energy and duration, pulse shape and possibly a chirp. If the repetition rate can be varied, specifications of the other pulse parameters may be required for different values of the repetition rate. (For Q-switched lasers, for example, higher repetition rates normally imply lower pulse energies and longer pulses.)
- The laser wavelength (usually understood as the central wavelength, defined via the “center of mass”) must stay within certain limits. For tunable lasers, a range of wavelength needs to be defined, and how other properties (e.g., the output power) vary in that range, or at least what minimum specifications are valid for that range.
- There is often an upper (and sometimes a lower) limit for the optical bandwidth, which is related to the temporal coherence of the laser light. One may also specify the limits for the coherence length. For example, a sufficiently short coherence length may be required to avoid problems with interference effects.
- Various kinds of fluctuations (laser noise) may be limited. For example, one may specify the maximum r.m.s. (root mean squared) fluctuations within a certain measurement bandwidth, possible in the form of relative intensity noise (RIN). Phase noise is related to the optical bandwidth (see above), but more comprehensive (frequency-resolved) phase noise specifications may be required in the form of a maximum power spectral density versus noise frequency. The beam pointing stability may be specified as an r.m.s. value of the angular deviations within a certain measurement time and bandwidth.
Often, specifications are valid only after a certain warm-up time after switching on a laser system.
Although this list contains all the typically relevant aspects, many additional aspects may also be relevant, depending on details of the laser system and the application.
Laser Safety
It is common to define a laser safety class for a laser source, even though the safety class for the system into which the laser is integrated may be completely different. If the output power exceeds a certain limit (depending on the wavelength) and the laser beam is accessible, the system will normally be in class IV (the most safety-critical one). If such a laser is put into a fully enclosed housing, with interlocks etc., the system may still be in the class I, where it can be considered as very safe.
Lifetime Specifications
Lasers, as other devices, have only a limited lifetime. The guaranteed lifetime may be specified as a certain number of years or via some number of operation hours, or possible both combined. It is normally understood as the time during which the laser fulfills all the performance specifications. A lifetime guarantee is often subject to additional conditions to be fulfilled by the user: certain ambient conditions need to be ensured (see below), and regular servicing may be required.
Note that quite different interpretations of device lifetimes are possible. A strict interpretation would be that a laser system has to stay within specifications for the whole lifetime without any unplanned intervention. For a fiber amplifier, which is integrated into an undersea cable, this is very reasonable, since it is hardly possible to perform any service operations after deployment. For industrial lasers, however, occasional repairs may be tolerated, if they are not so frequent and/or time-consuming that the severely disturb the intended application. A rather lax interpretation of lifetime guarantee would be that the supplier can make as many repairs as required for reaching an overall long enough time of operation, and resulting interruptions and delays are not considered as problematic.
Ambient Conditions
Laser system are often relatively sensitive to ambient conditions. Some typical aspects are shortly discussed in the following:
- The ambient temperature (air temperature and/or temperature of the table on which the system is mounted) must remain within certain limits. Deviations from that condition may lead not only to degraded performance but even to serious damage.
- If the laser housing is not hermetically sealed, there may be requirements on how clean the surrounding air needs to be, in what range the relative humidity needs to be, or whether purging e.g. with dry nitrogen gas is needed.
- Many lasers require a laser cooling units as a supply of cooling water, with conditions concerning the water pressure, the available water flow, and the chemical composition (e.g., pH value and salt content). While an interruption or insufficient strength of water flow should trigger an automatic system shut-down, not appropriate chemical condition of the cooling water may lead to permanent damage. Microchannel coolers of laser diodes are particularly sensitive to effects of corrosion under such circumstances. Some isolated laser components or OEM laser modules may not have an automatic shutdown at excessive temperatures.
- Most lasers should not be exposed to excessive mechanical vibrations. Precise specifications in that respect are often not given, but at least some indication concerning how well a laser must be protected e.g. against vibrations caused by nearby machinery.
- May laser devices are sensitive to back-reflected light. It might be specified what level of reflections can be tolerated.
Other Properties
Various other properties of a laser system can be relevant, for example:
- the dimensions of the housing
- in the case of multiple parts (laser head, power supply, etc.): dimensions of all parts, cable lengths, etc.
- the weight
- the exact location where the generated laser beam leaves the housing
- types of fiber-optic connectors and/or parameters of the output fiber
- connections for additional parts such as interlocks
- electrical specifications for certain inputs (e.g. pulse triggers) and outputs
- accessibility of the housing e.g. for service operations
- details of the mounting and installation
- electrical power requirements, cable lengths
- service requirements, e.g. intervals for regular service and/or for replacing consumables
Of course, not all details may be given in some specification sheet; they may be provided only to those customers who ask for them.
Examples of Vague Laser Specifications
Many specifications which may look fairly clear at a first glance can nevertheless be quite deficient. A few examples demonstrate that:
- “Output power: 25 W”: this is probably the lower limit; is there no upper limit? For a pulsed laser: it is probably the average output power, but is this valid for the full range of pulse repetition rates?
- “Pulse energy: 50 mJ”: probably a lower limit; does this only apply for a low enough pulse repetition rate?
- “Pulse pedestals: < 3%”: is that a limit for the power or for the energy in pedestals?
- “Spot size: 2 mm × 1.5 mm”: are these beam diameters in horizontal and vertical direction? Measured at which location – at the laser exit or at some focus position? Is it a full width at half maximum, or measured at <$1/e^2$> intensity level or whatever else?
- “Beam profile: TEM00”: apparently, the beam is close to a diffraction-limited Gaussian beam, but how close? An upper limit for the M2 factor would be more precise.
- “Divergence angle: < 2 mrad”: is this a full angle or half angle (i.e., against the beam axis)? Is it based on an <$1/e^2$> intensity criterion?
- “Output power stability: ±1%”: this is extremely vague: does it mean that the power always stays within ±1% of the average value? What is the measurement time and bandwidth? (Typically, larger fluctuations are recorded with a fast detector used over a long time.) A root-mean-squared (r.m.s.) value with a well defined bandwidth (range of noise frequencies) should be given.
- “Optical bandwidth: 0.1 nm”: is this meant as a full width at half maximum? Is it an upper or lower limit for the bandwidth? (Usually, it is the upper limit, but there are cases where a lower limit is required.)
- “Tuning range: 1030–1080 nm”: does the laser just work in that range, or is the specified output power available over this whole range?
- “Linewidth: < 50 kHz”: what is the measurement time? (Slow frequency drifts can lead to larger values for longer measurements times.)
- “Timing jitter: < 100 fs” (for an ultrafast laser): is this a pulse-to-pulse jitter? (Probably not, that should be far lower.) What is the considered range of noise frequencies?
Further problems or inconvenience can result from not common acronyms or units.
How Strictly Should Specifications be Interpreted?
Laser specifications are often not interpreted as strictly guaranteed values. What level of strictness is applied, depends substantially on the field of application:
- Quite strict interpretations are common in fields which generally exhibit a high degree of standardization, such as optical fiber communications, optical clocks or medical lasers. Here, a high precision of specifications is particularly important, and not completely adhering to them is considered as serious.
- For industrial lasers, a slightly lower degree of strictness is often applied, although a high degree of reliability in long-term operation may be quite important.
- Rather lax interpretations occur in the context of consumer products, but also often for scientific lasers. In the latter case, it is often expected that the users are fairly familiar with the internal workings of a laser apparatus and can take over some tasks, such as occasional cleaning or realignment of a laser, or exchanging the laser medium of a dye laser. Relatively frequent interruptions of laser operation for unplanned service operations may be tolerated. It is often accepted that optimum performance is possible only under ideal conditions, including e.g. frequent optimization of alignment.
Another aspect is whether a laser device is a prototype, a mass product or even a production machine. A prototype nature may be assumed when a laser has been made to certain specifications for the first time and the user knows this; a laser may be ordered explicitly for evaluation purposes. To a certain degree, deviations from specifications may not be considered as complete failures. On the other hand, from a standard industrial laser for use as a production machine one has to expect a high reliability including to fairly strict adherence to specifications.
In cases where adherence to specifications is crucial, a laser system will normally be delivered together with a comprehensive and clearly written measurement protocol, demonstrating that all relevant aspects have been checked on the concrete delivered device. However, many manufacturers appear not to apply such systematic procedures, do not deliver such measurement protocols, and indeed might not check all aspects with measurements before deployment. Deviations from specifications may then be noticed only after installation, or possible even at a later time when the user, having experienced certain problems, undertakes more detailed measurements.
What Happens if Specifications are not Fulfilled?
It is important to understand whether certain deviations from specifications are considered as complete failure of the system (implying a right for a complete replacement or for not paying the invoice) or only as a reason for repair by the manufacturer. For some critical laser applications, the user can expect that the device is only delivered after careful checks by the manufacturer, and that it will with a high probability remain within specifications for the guaranteed lifetime – without additional checks and unplanned repairs. In many cases, however, a manufacturer feels obliged only to do appropriate repairs upon discovery of problems by the user. This may lead to situations where the application of the laser is severely disturbed by unplanned repairs and corresponding delays, possibly also by extended periods of operation outside the specs due to not recognized problems, and to resulting quality issues in the production.
For such reasons, it is important to create a common understanding between supplier and user before purchase according to how deviations from specifications are handled. Note that even specifications with very precise definitions of measured parameters may totally leave open such important aspects.
More to Learn
Encyclopedia articles:
The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide contains 241 suppliers for lasers. Among them:
Shalom EO

Hangzhou Shalom EO offers two kinds of OEM laser modules: eye-safe 1535-nm laser modules and lasers integrated with MgO:PPLN waveguides. Shalom EO’s OEM laser modules provide precise, reliable, and efficient laser sources that can be seamlessly integrated into other systems, accommodating specific application requirements.
Shalom EO’s 1535-nm eye-safe OEM pulsed lasers use Er:Yb:glass as the laser gain media and Co:MgAl2O4 (Co:spinel) as the passive Q-switch, generating laser pulses of nanoseconds of pulse duration. With a wavelength of 1535 nm, the lasers are designed to minimize the risk of retinal or corneal damage. Modules with a low repetition rate of 10 Hz and a high repetition rate of up to 1 kHz are available. With rugged design and superior temperature resistance, Shalom EO’s 1535-nm laser modules are excellent for applications such as laser range finders, Lidar, and medical treatments.
Shalom EO’s MgO:PPLN laser module utilizes an MgO:PLLN waveguide as the nonlinear frequency conversion component, which is assembled with the pumping LD, Nd:YVO4 or Nd:YAG laser crystals, and optics. Shalom EO offers a range of standard output wavelengths, including 473 nm, 532 nm, 545 nm, 561 nm, and 671 nm. In addition, we can accommodate custom output wavelengths upon request. Our MgO:PPLN waveguides are designed with compact dimensions, these laser modules feature high output power, strong power stability, and exceptional conversion efficiencies.
Active Fiber Systems

AFS offers various femtosecond laser platforms based on ytterbium or thulium-doped fiber amplifiers, OPCPA/OPA and XUV extensions covering all wavelength ranges for compact systems up to complex multi-functional beamlines.
LumIR Lasers

LumIR offers mid-IR fiber lasers, based on fluorine glass fibers, with up to 10 W output power and emission wavelength between 2.79 μm and 3.3 μm. They are ideal for medical, material processing and sensing applications.
Class 5 Photonics

Class 5 Photonics delivers ultrafast, high-power laser technology at outstanding performance to advance demanding applications from bio-imaging to ultrafast material science and attosecond science. Our robust optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers (OPCPA) provide high-power, tunable femtosecond pulses and user-friendly operation.
NKT Photonics

NKT Photonics is at the forefront of optical fiber and laser technology. Expect exceptional performance when you want to push forward and move the definition of what’s possible. We offer a wide range of lasers spanning from pulsed diode lasers and single-frequency fiber lasers over ultrafast fiber lasers and femtosecond lasers to supercontinuum white light lasers. Whatever your laser needs, we have a system for you!

Lumics is a vertically integrated manufacturer producing high-quality laser diodes, with in-house chip production and integration into various single emitter packages and designs. Lumics offerings include pigtailed single-mode and multi-mode packages, covering a broad wavelength and power range, designed for different fiber core sizes. Lumics' high-power multi-mode diode laser modules span wavelengths from 670 nm to 1940 nm, supporting multi-wavelength configurations, ideal for applications in medical, life science, analytics, material processing, pumping, seeding, and printing. All diodes feature patented facet technology, ensuring exceptional lifetimes and reliability.
Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers the widest wavelength range for laser diodes on the world market from 370 nm to 12 µm, single mode & multimode, broad area, DFB and DBR, fiber Bragg grating stabilized, quantum cascade, VCSELs, superluminescent diodes and mid-IR light emitting diodes. We offer wavelength selection and custom packaging; please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Radiantis manufacturers broadly tunable laser systems based on Optical Parametric Oscillators (OPOs). Femtosecond, picosecond and continuous-wave (CW) lasers are available that cover the visible and IR spectral regimes. The laser systems include both a pump laser and the OPO in the same enclosure.
Customised devices for specific wavelengths or pulse duration can be developed.
RPMC Lasers

RPMC Lasers offers the widest selection of solid-state lasers in North America. From ≈ 1500 standard products to full customization capabilities, we are sure to have what you need: pulsed and CW sources ranging in wavelength from the UV through the LWIR regimes. Pulsed lasers include DPSS lasers, fiber lasers, microlasers/microchip Lasers, ultrafast lasers, and more. Additionally, CW laser modules including single-mode and multimode DPSS laser and laser diode modules are available in both fiber-coupled and free space configurations, as well as gas and fiber lasers, line modules, and many laser diode types, including superluminescent laser diodes, multi-wavelength lasers, and quantum cascade laser diodes. Let RPMC help you find the right laser today!
Edmund Optics

Edmund Optics offers a wide range of laser sources, including machine vision lasers, life science lasers, metrology lasers, gas lasers, industrial and point lasers, and material processing lasers.
Alpes Lasers

Alpes Lasers offers a wide range of lasers with wavelengths ranging from 4 to 14 μm and powers up to several watts. This includes FP, DFB, THz, frequency comb and external cavity lasers in the mid-IR. Additionally, Alpes offers uniquely fast and widely tuneable lasers with our ET and XT product line.
AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics has developed a number of industrial fiber laser products, operating in different wavelengths regions and pulse duration regimes, or in continuous-wave mode. They are suitable for a range of industrial applications, including laser cutting, drilling and ablation.
See also our overview on fiber laser products!

GWU-Lasertechnik has more than 30 years of experience in lasers and nonlinear optics. We are the pioneer of commercial BBO OPO technology. Our widely tunable laser sources cover the spectral range from the deep-UV at <190 nm to the IR at >2700 nm. We offer pulsed solutions for nano-, pico- and femtosecond pulses with best performance and highest reliability.
HÜBNER Photonics

HÜBNER PHOTONICS offers a full range of high performance lasers including single and multi-line Cobolt lasers, tunable C-WAVE lasers, C-FLEX laser combiners. All our lasers are manufactured in a clean room environment, by skilled staff and with the highest of quality.
Megawatt Lasers

MegaWatt Lasers Inc. spezializes on lamp-pumped pulsed lasers for a wide range of applications. Our pump chamber designs provide unsurpassed performance, reliability and leak integrity to meet the demanding needs of your laser system design. Our lasers produce multi-joule nanosecond pulses at eye-safe wavelength, e.g. based on Er:YAG or CTH:YAG rods. We also offer Nd:YAG and alexandrite lasers.
We maintain an inventory of standard pump chambers for immediate delivery, while modular design allows for cost effective custom solutions.

VEXLUM offers watt-level single-frequency lasers based on VECSEL technology with broad wavelength coverage. Our product lines include:
- VALO, offering flexibility for research applications such as quantum technology and spectroscopy.
- VXL®, a new compact and modular industrial single-frequency product line, designed for system integration in semiconductor, metrology, and medical applications.
Wavelengths range from 350 nm to 2150 nm, and power levels up to 10 W.
Sacher Lasertechnik

Sacher Lasertechnik offers a wide range of diode lasers for scientific and industrial applications, covering a wide range of emission wavelengths and output powers. Apart from DFB and DBR lasers, Fabry–Pérot and tapered amplifier diodes, we offer quantum cascade lasers and terahertz emitters.
QPC Lasers

QPC Lasers manufactures fiber-coupled diode laser modules with the highest powers and brightness in the industry at wavelengths ranging from 780 to 2000 nm.
Products range from sub-watt single-mode PM fiber coupled diodes for LIDAR and communications to multi-mode fiber-coupled modules with outputs in the hundreds of watts for medical, materials processing and pumping applications. Optional features include Brightlock monolithically spectrally stabilized diodes for unmatched linewidth and spectral control.
TOPTICA Photonics

TOPTICA's products provide an ultra-broad laser wavelength coverage: 190 nm – 0.1 THz (corresponding to 3 mm). They enable a big variety of demanding applications in quantum optics, spectroscopy, biophotonics, microscopy, test & measurement, as well as materials inspection. The unique wavelength range is based on three major product categories:
- diode lasers, 190 nm – 4000 nm with frequency-conversion techniques
- ultrafast fiber lasers, 488 nm – 2300 nm (3500 nm customized), 5000 – 15000 nm
- terahertz systems, 0.1 – 6 THz (15 THz customized)
TOPTICA´s Ultra-stable clock laser systems for quantum computing and optical clocks are diode lasers whose linewidth is reduced to less than 1 Hz via frequency stabilization to high-finesse optical ULE cavities.
CNI Laser

CNI offers a wide range of lasers, including
- laser diode modules, e.g. narrow-linewidth DFB lasers, picosecond lasers, alignment lasers and others
- diode-pumped solid-state lasers with high stability, low noise, high output power or pulse energy, Q-switched and mode-locked picosecond versions, etc.
- fiber lasers with SM or MM fiber output, pulse width <200 ps, tunable versions with 1–250 ns pulse width, modulation rates up to 1 MHz
and various others. We specialize in designing and manufacturing custom-made and OEM lasers to suit our clients' particular needs. In fact, 75% of the lasers manufactured involve some type of custom work.

Lumibird manufactures a wide range of lasers thanks to its expertise in three key technologies: pulsed solid-state lasers (nanosecond range), CW and pulsed fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers, and laser diodes. Various application areas are addressed, in industry (manufacturing, lidar sensors), science (laboratories and universities), medical (ophthalmology) and defense.
At FYLA we develop ultrafast fiber lasers with pulse durations in the range of picoseconds and femtoseconds. Our lasers are used in a lot of applications, from microscopy (single-molecule fluorescence, OCT, FRET, TIRF, etc.) up to optical characterization, providing a greater level of robustness, higher lifetimes, and a cost-effective solution.

Optogama offers various types of lasers: eye-safe 1,54 μm diode-pumped passively Q-switched and CW erbium glass lasers as well as passively Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers.
Eye-safe 1,54 μm wavelength nanosecond lasers of the “KAUKAS“ (1, 2, 3) series have a unique compact design and are available in OEM models for dedicated applications. These lasers deliver up to 3 mJ energy per pulse with pulse duration <10–15 ns, TEM00 beam profile and repetition rate of up to 5 Hz.
„KAUKAS HR“ laser models have adjustable repetition rate feature and deliver more than 30 µJ energy per pulse with a repetition rate of up to 1 kHz available on request.
“KAUKAS CW” diode-pumped, solid-state laser models deliver up to 400 mW of continuous-wave power at 6 wavelength in the 1,5–1.6 μm spectral range.
Nd:YAG passively Q-switched lasers of the "WAVEGUARD" series with sub-nanosecond pulse widths and a peak power of several tens of kilowatts are very compact. Additional harmonics modules for 532 nm, 355 nm, or 266 nm wavelengths are available on request for all models.
Bright Solutions

Bright Solutions offers various types of lasers:
- fiber-coupled diode laser modules
- various types of nanosecond Q-switched lasers and MOPAs, e.g. for LIDAR, laser machining or lithography
- narrowband picosecond lasers, e.g. for OPO pumping, Raman or fluorescence spectroscopy and multimodal imaging

SHIPS TODAY: AeroDIODE offers fiber-coupled laser diodes between 520 nm and 1650 nm as stock items or associated with a CW laser diode driver or pulsed laser diode driver. They are compatible with our high speed nanosecond pulsed drivers or high power CW drivers with air coolingfor the multimode high power laser diode versions. The single mode laser diodes (either Fabry–Pérot laser diode or DFB laser diode) can reach high power in nanosecond pulse regime up to 500 mW. Most turn-key diode & driver solutions are optimized for single-shot to CW performances with pulse durations down to 1 ns. The laser diode precision pulses are generated internally by an on-board pulse generator, or on demand from an external TTL signal. Many multimode versions are available with CW emission up to 300 W in a 200-µm core multimode fiber or up to 250 W in a 135-µm core fiber or 160 W in a 105 µm core fiber.
See also our tutorial on fiber-coupled laser diodes.
Stuttgart Instruments

The Stuttgart Instruments Alpha is an ultrafast and fully wavelength-tunable frequency conversion system in an ultra-compact and completely passively stable system based on revolutionary parametric oscillator design which guarantees outstanding stability, reproducibility and shot-noise limited performance.
The revolutionary design of Stuttgart Instruments Alpha, characterized by outstanding low noise and passive long-term stability, is based on the fiber-feedback optical parametric oscillator (FFOPO) technology and results in outstanding performance and high flexibility at the same time.
The Alpha covers a gap-free rapid tunable spectral range from 700 nm to 20 µm wavelengths, while maintaining high output power up to the Watt-level with femto- or picosecond pulses at several MHz pulse repetition rates. It provides multiple simultaneously tunable outputs with a selectable bandwidth from a few to 100 cm-1. Shot-noise limited performance above 300 kHz, passive spectral stability (< 0.02% rms) and wavelength-independent stable beam pointing (< 30 µrad) enable excellent sensitivity. In addition, each Alpha is equipped with a user-friendly ethernet and Wi-Fi interface and a matching graphical user interface (GUI) as well as easy to access API interfaces for e.g. LabView, Python, C++.
Typically, the Alpha is pumped by an ultra-low-noise Primus pump laser, which provides more than 8 W average output power at 1040 nm wavelength and 450 fs pulse duration at 42 MHz repetition rate. In addition, the Alpha can be operated with other pump lasers around 1 µm wavelength and enough power.
Due to our modular platform, the Alpha can be adapted and optimized for various applications and is particularly suited for spectroscopic applications requiring a robust and reliable tunable radiation with low noise.

EKPLA offers a wide range of femtosecond, picosecond and nanosecond lasers as well as tunable wavelength systems for research and industrial applications.

Thorlabs manufactures an extensive selection of CW and pulsed laser systems, including picosecond Q-switched lasers with microjoule-level pulses at kHz repetition rates and exceptional beam quality.
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