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Laser Transitions

Author: the photonics expert (RP)

Definition: optical transitions where stimulated emission is used to obtain optical amplification

More specific term: self-terminating laser transitions

Categories: article belongs to category laser devices and laser physics laser devices and laser physics, article belongs to category optical amplifiers optical amplifiers, article belongs to category physical foundations physical foundations

DOI: 10.61835/8pm   Cite the article: BibTex plain textHTML   Link to this page   LinkedIn

A laser transition (or amplifier transition) is a transition between two electronic levels of some laser-active ion, for example, where stimulated emission can take place and this leads to optical amplification. This amplification can be used in an optical amplifier or a laser.

Certain conditions should usually be fulfilled so that some optical transition can serve as an efficient laser transition:

  • It must be possible in some way to strongly populate the upper level, e.g. via optical pumping.
  • Ideally, stimulated emission from the upper level to the lower level should be the dominating process, i.e., any additional radiative and non-radiative transitions should be comparatively weak. In quantitative terms, the upper-state lifetime should be large compared with the inverse stimulated emission rate.
  • There should be a mechanism which quickly depopulates the lower laser level after stimulated emission, so that reabsorption on that transition cannot have a strong effect.
laser transitions
Figure 1: Energy level schemes of various laser-active ions with important pump (blue) and amplifier (red) transitions. Each horizontal line indicates a whole Stark level manifold, containing multiple Stark levels. The level energies and transition wavelengths somewhat depend on the host material. The dashed lines indicate fast non-radiative multi-phonon transitions.

Some laser gain media offer laser transitions with nearly ideal characteristics. For example, the neodymium ions in Nd:YAG exhibit a transition from the upper Stark manifold 4F3/2 to the lower manifold 4I11/2, where stimulated emission at a wavelength of 1064 nm can occur. Efficient pumping is possible e.g. around 808 nm (although with a significant quantum defect), spontaneous emission from the upper level is reasonably weak (due to the narrow emission bandwidth), and the lower level is rapidly depopulated via multi-phonon transitions.

There are also media with quasi-three-level laser transitions, where the last condition is not well fulfilled because the lower level belongs to the ground state manifold. Examples are the 1030-nm and the 1050-nm transitions in Yb:YAG and the 946-nm transition from 4F3/2 to the ground state manifold 4I9/2 in Nd:YAG. The resulting reabsorption on the laser transition tends to increase the threshold pump power, but on the other hand such transitions can have a rather low quantum defect, and thus allow fairly efficient laser operation provided that the laser design is optimized accordingly.

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