Special Promotions
Precisely Target a Specific Audience
In some cases, you want to precisely target a very specific audience with some document. Some examples:
- You have some interesting “white papers” or application notes – informative documents on certain technological aspects.
- You have published a new book on a scientific or technical topic.
- You have a video which addresses a specialized topic.
- You organize a conference on a specific scientific topic (e.g. frequency combs).
It would not be sensible to present such information to a large audience of people, most of whom are not interested in your particular topic.
Our Solution: Promotion in an Encyclopedia Article
We can place a preview of your white paper (or video) in the corresponding article of our RP Photonics Encyclopedia! For example, if you have a white paper related to fluorescence microscopy, we can place it in the Encyclopedia article on fluorescence microscopy and/or that on laser microscopy.
So you reach exactly those people who are obviously interested in the particular topic!
The details: On the page with the Encyclopedia article, we can place a well visible box in which your white paper is announced. That box (see an example in the Encyclopedia article on fluorescence microscopy) appears just below the “Buyer's Guide” box, which is within the content section (not in the banner column) on the right side just below the article heading. It has the heading “Related White Paper from (company name)” and displays a large preview, e.g. of the first page of your document (up to 300 pixels wide and up to 400 pixels high; we can create it from your document).
The document preview is equipped with a link with which the user can directly download the document file (typically in PDF format). The document or video can be hosted on our server or on your own web server – just as you like.
We distinguish between promotions for photonics products and promotions for special purposes:
Promotions for Products
Promotions can be directly related to a certain photonics product, for which you have a Buyer's Guide entry. You then need to have our Advertising Package, which includes one such promotion; we can offer more for additional payment.
In addition to the promotion in the Encyclopedia, we will then place an additional smaller box announcing your white paper (but here without a graphical preview) on the corresponding page with suppliers for the product – well visible above the list of suppliers. Besides, the link to your white paper is inserted in the list of all suppliers and in the table of products on your company profile. Also, your promotion is displayed (with the same preview) in your company profile.
Promotions for Special Purposes
If you want to do promotions for special purposes, not simply related to a photonics product, you can have this without having an ad package. Just tell us what you need, and we can give you an offer: