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Optical Crystals

Author: the photonics expert (RP)

Definition: crystals for optical applications, usually single crystals, often with polished end faces

More general term: optical materials

More specific terms: nonlinear optical crystals, birefringent crystals

Category: article belongs to category optical materials optical materials

DOI: 10.61835/27s   Cite the article: BibTex plain textHTML   Link to this page   LinkedIn

A wide range of optical materials is used in different fields of optics. As transparent materials, one often uses optical glasses, but for various applications one requires optical crystal materials – mostly monocrystalline materials – because of their special properties:

Most optical crystals are insulating (dielectric) materials, having a wide band gap and very low absorption in the visible spectral region. However, there are also semiconductors used as optical crystals, e.g. as infrared crystals, where intense absorption in the visible region is not relevant.

Optical crystals are made with a wide range of geometric shapes, including simple cuboids, but also cylinders and other shapes with curved surfaces. A special form of crystals are single-crystal fibers, often having an extreme radio of length to diameter.

Various Aspects of Optical Crystals

Fabrication; Crystal Lattice Orientation

In most cases, optical crystals are single crystals, i.e., they exhibit a uniform crystal lattice throughout a large piece, apart from some concentration of lattice defects. This uniform orientation can generally not be achieved e.g. simply by cooling down the molten material (as for an optical glass) because that would generally lead to a large number of crystal domains with different lattice orientations. Instead, one needs to employ special crystal growth techniques such as the Czochralski method or the Bridgman–Stockbarger technique. Typically, a small monocrystalline seed crystal is provided, and the growth conditions are optimized such that all added material just extends the lattice of the seed crystal rather than forming new domains. In most cases, the growth rate needs to be kept at a rather low level, as otherwise a sufficiently high crystal material quality could not be achieved.

In many cases, the purity of the used raw materials must be quite high – substantially higher than for frequently used optical glasses.

For the application, it is usually required to guarantee an appropriate orientation of the crystal lattice e.g. relative to the propagation direction of a light beam or to the end faces. This is an additional complication for the fabrication process, where one might have to employ methods like X-ray diffraction for accurately determining the crystal orientation, if the orientation is not already sufficiently well determined by the crystal growth process.

Obviously, the explained aspects of material purity, carefully controlled growth conditions and the observation of lattice orientation lead to a fabrication cost which is in most cases substantially higher than for glass materials.

Propagation Losses

The propagation losses of light are often quite low in crystalline materials compared with glasses. This is partly due to the high material quality (e.g. with a low concentration of absorbing impurities) and partly due to the uniform crystal lattice, avoiding the unavoidable Rayleigh scattering at density fluctuations in glasses.

Low propagation losses can be important not only for maximizing the transmission, but also for minimizing thermal effects, e.g. In high-power laser applications.

Thermal Properties

Generally, crystalline materials exhibit substantially higher thermal conductivity than amorphous materials like glasses. This is essentially because phonons (quanta of lattice vibrations) can propagate over long lengths in a crystal, while they are subject to substantial scattering in amorphous media. A high thermal conductivity minimizes temperature gradients and thus optical effects like thermal lensing in cases where a substantial amount of heat is deposited in a crystal.

Many crystal materials exhibit substantially anisotropic thermal expansion, i.e., upon heating they expand more in certain directions than in others. That can be particularly relevant when end faces need to be equipped with dielectric coatings. As the latter generally exhibit isotropic thermal expansion, it is not possible to fully match the expansion coefficients with any choice of coating materials. Therefore, certain coated crystals should be exposed only to limited temperature cycling because otherwise the dielectric coatings may be damaged. This is particularly relevant for nonlinear crystal materials when one uses noncritical phase matching at substantially elevated operation temperatures.

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The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide contains 81 suppliers for optical crystals. Among them:

UM Optics

optical crystals

UM Optics offers optical crystals of CaF2, BaF2, MgF2 and LiF. UM Optics is China's largest manufacturer of fluoride crystals.

  • crystal structure: polycrystalline, single crystal, 111 orientation, 001 orientation, 110 orientation, and others
  • material size: 3–350 mm diameter, 0.5–200 mm thickness
  • application wavelength band: UV 0.2–7.0 μm; IR 4–7.0 μm; excimer grade: 193/248/355 nm
  • product condition: rods, fine ground flakes, spherical blanks
  • made-to-order products: low stress, low delay, special orientations, doped crystals


optical crystals

EKSMA Optics is a supplier of a full range of nonlinear optical and laser crystals. We also offer Raman shifting crystals, passive Q-switches and terahertz crystals.

Artifex Engineering

optical crystals

Artifex offers a wide range of custom nonlinear, birefringent and laser crystals available in a variety of substrates.


optical crystals

GWU-Lasertechnik offers all standard optical crystals with a broad variety of specifications. This includes laser crystals like Nd:YVO4, Nd:YAG and Yb:YAG as well as nonlinear optical materials like LBO and BBO. Beside the well-established materials, innovative crystals with outstanding properties are available. No matter if individual pieces for R & D purposes are required or cost-efficient numbers in small, medium or large batches with in-time delivery for the production line are needed: GWU’s dedicated service helps to find the best core components for your application. GWU-Lasertechnik has more than 30 years of experience in distributing laser crystals. Choose GWU to benefit from our wide knowledge and in-field experience!


optical crystals

Laserton offers a variety of optical crystals with good optical homogeneity, including both laser crystals and nonlinear crystals.

Edmund Optics

optical crystals

Nonlinear crystals of either β-barium borate (BBO) or lithium triborate (LBO) are used for frequency conversion of laser sources. BBO crystals feature thicknesses from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm to minimize group velocity mismatch and are ideal for frequency doubling or tripling of pulses from Ti:sapphire and Yb-doped lasers. The critical and noncritical phase matching LBO crystals are ideal for second or third harmonic generation of Nd:YAG and Yb-doped lasers. Nonlinear crystals with 20–10 surface quality and λ/10 (LBO) or λ/8 (BBO) surface flatness provide the broad transparency range and large nonlinear coefficient needed for the harmonic generation of fundamental laser frequencies. Each crystal features a protective anti-reflection (AR) coating that minimizes reflection and limits fogging from ambient conditions.

Shalom EO

optical crystals

With a high degree of expertise, Hangzhou Shalom EO excels at offering a diverse catalog of optical crystals, including:

Where Shalom EO’s flexible and advanced production line and inspection lab are capable of providing high-quality optical crystals in various forms (ingots, blanks, polished substrates, or coated ), shapes, dimensions, and different doping concentrations. Through the use of cutting-edge instruments, including Zygo interferometers and PerkinElmer Lambda 1050+ spectroscopes, Shalom EO maintains the unwavering quality of our optical components.

Raicol Crystals

optical crystals

Raicol Crystals offers a wide range nonlinear crystal materials:

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