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Raman Amplifiers

Author: the photonics expert (RP)

Definition: optical amplifiers based on Raman gain

More general term: optical amplifiers

Categories: article belongs to category fiber optics and waveguides fiber optics and waveguides, article belongs to category nonlinear optics nonlinear optics, article belongs to category optical amplifiers optical amplifiers, article belongs to category lightwave communications lightwave communications

DOI: 10.61835/zq5   Cite the article: BibTex plain textHTML   Link to this page   LinkedIn

A Raman amplifier is an optical amplifier based on Raman gain, which results from the effect of stimulated Raman scattering in some Raman gain medium. That medium is often an optical fiber (possibly a highly nonlinear fiber), although it can also be a bulk crystal, a waveguide in a photonic integrated circuit, or a cell with a gas or liquid medium. An input signal can be amplified while co- or counterpropagating with a pump beam, the wavelength of which is typically a few tens of nanometers shorter. For silica fibers, maximum gain is obtained for a frequency offset of ≈ 10–15 THz between pump and signal, depending on the composition of the fiber core.

Typical Features of Raman Amplifiers

For application in telecom systems, fiber Raman amplifiers compete with erbium-doped fiber amplifiers. Compared with those, their typical features are:

  • Raman amplifiers can be operated in very different wavelength regions, provided that a suitable pump source is available.
  • The gain spectrum can be tailored by using different pump wavelengths simultaneously. For example, very broadband amplification – a gain bandwidth e.g. well beyond that of an EDFA – would be feasible with a proper combination of pump sources.
  • A Raman amplifier requires a high pump power (order of 1 W, possibly raising laser safety issues) and high pump brightness; it can also provide high signal output powers. Pump sources may be multiple laser diodes (at different wavelengths) or fiber lasers.
  • A much greater length of fiber is required – normally several kilometers. However, instead of making a lumped Raman amplifier, the transmission fiber in a telecom system may be used, so that no additional fiber is required.
  • Raman fiber amplifiers can have a lower noise figure. On the other hand, they more directly couple pump noise to the signal than laser amplifiers do.
  • They also have a fast reaction to changes in the pump power, particularly for co-propagating pump, and very different saturation characteristics.
  • If the pump wavelength is polarized, the Raman gain is polarization-dependent. This effect is often unwanted, but can be suppressed e.g. by using two polarization-coupled pump diodes or a pump depolarizer.

A telecom Raman amplifier is pumped with continuous-wave light from a diode laser. Efficient amplification of ultrashort pulses is also possible using copropagating pump pulses. However, the phenomenon of group velocity mismatch then severely limits the useful interaction length, particularly for pulse durations below 1 ps.

Fibers used for Raman amplifiers are not doped with rare earth ions. In principle, any ordinary single-mode fiber could be used, and in practice the transmission fibers themselves are often suitable (→ distributed amplifiers). However, there are special fibers with increased Raman gain, resulting from certain dopants (e.g. germania) for enhanced Raman cross-sections, or simply from a small effective mode area. Such highly nonlinear fibers are used for lumped Raman amplifiers, where a shorter piece of fiber is dedicated to amplification only. Also, there are phosphorous-doped fibers, for example, offering a much increased Raman shift (in terms of optical frequency), or alternatively a gain peak with very low Raman shift.

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Encyclopedia articles:


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The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide contains 14 suppliers for Raman amplifiers. Among them:

TOPTICA Photonics

Raman amplifiers

Our new highly reliable Raman fiber amplifiers are based on patented new technology. With their high power up to 30 W the amplifiers cover the wavelength range from 1120 to 1370 nm that is not accessible by Yb or Er fiber amplifiers. With a tuning range of 10 nm and a relative intensity noise <1% r.m.s., TOPTICA offers its own portfolio of RFAs that can be seamlessly integrated with TOPTICA lasers as seeders and frequency converters to reach visible and UV wavelengths.

MPB Communications

Raman amplifiers

MPBC’s Raman amplifiers are present in both our telecommunications and laser product lines.

In telecommunications, our 2RU product line features distributed Raman and patented Super Raman pumps with the best effective sensitivity improvement in the industry.

In lasers, we have Raman fiber amplifier systems capable of amplifying a narrow-band, linearly-polarized NIR input signal with negligible spectral broadening. NIR output powers up to 25 W at wavelengths between 1030 nm and 1455 nm can be achieved in our standard air-cooled enclosure, with higher powers available with our water-cooled enclosure. We also offer the option of converting the amplified NIR signal into the visible region using our second harmonic generator.

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