RP Fiber Power – Simulation and Design Software for Fiber Optics, Amplifiers and Fiber Lasers
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Example Case: Reporting Calculated Results on Web Pages
Description of the Purpose
Usually, one would directly use the text and graphical output generated by RP Fiber Power. However, the built-in script language allows you to write output files of any binary or text format. As an example, we write outputs to an html file, which can then be viewed with a web browser. If you upload it to a web server, it can be displayed as a web page.
Although RP Fiber Power has no specialized functions for html output, these are easily defined and most conveniently stored in an include file, which can be used by any script. For example, that include file can contain the definition
html_open(fname$) :=
hf := open_file(fname$, "wt");
html_out('<!DOCTYPE HTML>');
This function writes the beginning of the html file with a given title tag.
You can see the results saved as a web page with your browser. The detailed look – font sizes, colors, etc. – can be adjusted in a CSS style sheet.