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RP Resonator – Advanced Software for Laser Resonator Design and Optimization

Example Case: Ring Resonator

We consider a ring resonator with a bow-tie geometry, containing a laser crystal with variable focusing power. The script first defines some parameters and then the resonator setup:

; ----------------------
; Resonator parameters:
a := 10 cm
b := 8 cm
R1 := 40 cm
R2 := R1
theta := 6 deg
d := 2 * b * cos(2 * theta) - a
l_cr := 5 mm  { length of crystal }
n_cr := 1.82  { refractive index of crystal }
F_cr := 3  { focusing power of crystal }
; ----------------------

resonator: ring
* mirror (M1): R = R1
* air: d = (a - l_cr) / 2, "(a - l_cr) / 2"
* prism (Crystal): l = l_cr, d = 2 mm, theta = 0, alpha = 0, n = n_cr, n2 = F_cr / l_cr
* air: d = (a - l_cr) / 2, "(a - l_cr) / 2"
* mirror (M2): R = R2, theta = theta
* air: d = b, "b"
* mirror (M3): theta = -theta
* air: d = d, "d"
* mirror (M4)
resonator end

Note that the closing air space is added automatically. Also, the software automatically adjusts the incidence angles on mirrors M1 and M4 such that the beam path is closed.

First, we want to have the resonator setup shown graphically to check that everything has been defined correctly:

diagram 1, size_px = (600, 180):

draw resonator, "Resonator Setup", showfocus

The result:

ring resonator setup

Now we plot the beam radius vs. position:

diagram 2:

"Beam Radius vs. Position"

x: 0, L_res / mm
"z position (mm)", @x
y: 0, 400

f: w(x * mm,lambda_ref) / um, "w(z) (µm)", color = blue, width = 3

ShowLine(z) := line(z / mm, z / mm + i * w(z, lambda_ref) / um)

! ShowLine(zm[M1])
"M1", ((z := zm[M1]) / mm)l, (w(z, lambda_ref) / um + 10)b
! ShowLine(zm[M2])
"M2", ((z := zm[M2]) / mm)c, (w(z, lambda_ref) / um + 10)b
! ShowLine(z1[Crystal])
! ShowLine(z2[Crystal])
"crystal", ((z := zm[Crystal]) / mm)c, (w(z, lambda_ref) / um + 10)b
! ShowLine(zm[M3])
"M3", ((z := zm[M3]) / mm)c, (w(z, lambda_ref) / um + 10)b
! ShowLine(zm[M4])
"M4", ((z := zm[M4]) / mm)c, (w(z, lambda_ref) / um + 10)b
"M1", ((z := L_res) / mm)r, (w(z, lambda_ref) / um + 10)b

Some additional lines of code draw vertical lines and text labels, indicating the positions of the optical elements. For convenience, the function ShowLine(z) has been defined.

beam radius in ring resonator

Next, we plot the beam radius at the laser crystal as a function of the dioptric power of the crystal:

diagram 3:

"Variation of the Dioptric Power of the Crystal"

x: -15, +10
"dioptric power of the crystal (1 / m)", @x
y: 0, 600

f: (F_cr := x; Init(0); w(zm[Crystal],lambda_ref)) / um, "w(z) (µm)",
   color = blue, width = 3,
   init F_cr0 := F_cr,
   finish (F_cr := F_cr0; Init(0))
variation of dioptric power of the crystal

Since RP Resonator V3, there is also a version of the script with a custom form:

form for ring resonator

This means that you don't have to edit the input values anymore (arm lengths, angles, etc.) in the script code, but simply in the form.

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