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Scientific Publications

Dr. Paschotta, the founder of RP Photonics, was originally a scientific researcher. During his time in university research, he has published over 100 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals. You find the full publication list as part of the CV.

Since having founded RP Photonics, Dr. Paschotta obviously finds less time for scientific research. However, he is still maintaining substantial scientific activities, which lead to various publications:

Journal Articles

  • R. Paschotta, “Beam quality deterioration of lasers caused by intracavity beam distortions”, Opt. Express 14 (13), 6069 (2006)
  • R. Paschotta, “Cooperative luminescence and absorption in ytterbium-doped silica fiber and the fiber nonlinear transmission coefficient at λ = 980 nm with a regard to the ytterbium ion-pair's effect: Comment”, Opt. Express 14 (15), 6981 (2006)
  • R. Paschotta, Comment on “Passively Q-switched fiber laser that uses saturable Raman gain”, Opt. Lett. 31 (18), 2737 (2006)
  • A. Schlatter, S. Zeller, R. Paschotta, and U. Keller, “Simultaneous measurement of the phase noise on all optical modes of a mode-locked laser”, Appl. Phys. B 88, 385 (2007)
  • R. Paschotta, J. Speiser, and A. Giesen, “Comment on 'Surface loss limit of the power scaling of a thin-disk laser'”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24 (10), 2658 (2007)
  • R. Paschotta, “Power scalability as a precise concept for the evaluation of laser architectures”, arXiv:0711.3987v1, (2007)
  • O. Prochnow, R. Paschotta, E. Benkler, U. Morgner, J. Neumann, D. Wandt, and D. Kracht, “Quantum-limited noise performance of a femtosecond all-fiber ytterbium laser”, Opt. Express 17 (18), 15525 (2009)
  • R. Paschotta, “Modeling of ultrashort pulse amplification with gain saturation”, Opt. Express 25 (16), 19112 (2017)

(You can find many older articles in the CV; there are over 100 papers.)

Conference Presentations

  • R. Paschotta, “Explanation for beam quality deterioration of lasers for operation near frequency degeneracy of transverse cavity modes”, Advanced Solid-State Photonics 2006 in Lake Tahoe, poster TuB18
  • R. Paschotta, “Novel guidelines for the optimization of laser beam quality”, EPS Europhoton Conference 2006 in Pisa (Italy), talk FrB2
  • R. Paschotta, “Power scalability as a precise concept for the evaluation of laser architectures”, CLEO/Europe 2007 in Munich, talk CA3-2-MON, June 18, 2007
  • R. Paschotta, O. Prochnow, D. Wandt, U. Morgner, and D. Kracht, “Timing jitter of mode-locked fiber lasers”, Advanced Solid-State Photonics 2009 in Denver, poster MB16

(You can find many older presentations in the CV.)

See also the many short courses at scientific conferences presented by Dr. Paschotta.


Other Technical Publications

There are also various other publications on technical and scientific matters in trade journals – see the page on other articles.