New Tutorial on the Modeling of Pulse Amplification

I have published a new tutorial titled “Modeling of Pulse Amplification” (mainly considering fiber amplifiers) which should be useful for many of our software customers, but also for others, who e.g. try to put some suitable model together themselves. The contents:
- Models for different pulse duration regimes are discussed. It is important to understand which physical effects to include to get valid results from a model which is not unnecessarily complicated and time-consuming to use.
- Gain saturation effects are explained. Again, adapted solutions are proposed which allow for efficient simulations.
- Simulating pumping and pulse amplification: indeed, it is in most cases advisable to simulate those things separately, as they happen on quite different time scales.
- For multimode amplifiers, various additional aspects need to be handled properly.
- Amplified spontaneous emission also has some peculiarities for pulsed amplifiers.
- Finally, some comments on bulk amplifiers are made. They can largely be treated with the same methods as used for fiber amplifiers, but some aspects are different.
This should help a lot in getting efficient progress in such modeling. It also shows that substantial experience with such things can be important, and that sufficient flexibility of software is required to apply certain nice tricks. Finally, it is clear that it can be very helpful to get competent software support.
This article is a posting of the RP Photonics Software News, authored by Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta. You may link to this page, because its location is permanent.
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