The Company … competent, helpful and trustworthy

The RP Photonics Website

Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta, RP Photonics AG.

All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: RP Photonics is not accepting any legal responsibility for the content of other websites to which links are given, nor to possible errors on this website itself. However, we would properly deal with any such problems if they come to our attention.

All content on this website has been created and arranged by Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta.


Some website owners are trying to obtain the highest possible visibility – particularly with the Internet search engines – by applying all sorts of trickery in the context of search engine optimization (SEO). RP Photonics, on the other hand, is operating its website in a different manner, which is based the conviction that in the long run the honest strategy works best: providing high quality content which makes the website useful for its visitors (“content is king”).

The RP Photonics Encyclopedia, which has the honor of being part of the WWW Virtual Library, is probably the best example for the success of this strategy.

Another important aspect is the users' privacy. Although we create detailed statistical information on the use of our website, we strictly respect privacy matters. For more details, see our page on privacy.

Technical Remarks

A number of measures have been taken to ensure that the pages will be correctly displayed with different browsers, avoiding any hassle for users:

  • This website has been designed to comply with the official standard "HTML 5". Some optional details are left for preserving backward compatibility with older browsers.
  • It is occasionally checked with a powerful HTML Validator software and tested with various web browsers.
  • It uses Javascript for various purposes, but can mostly also be used without Javascript, although some convenient features are then not available.
  • A strict Content Security Policy (CSP) has been implemented. The most important effect of that is to establish an effective second line of defense against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Of course, we also try to minimize the risks of XSS intrusions with other means, such as sanitizing input data.
  • Various other details are also carefully optimized for maximum security, e.g. against hacker attacks. From Mozilla Observatory we got the security score A+ (last tested 2020-01-16), while most of our competitors are much worse, often even on the worst possible level F.
  • The page loading speed has also been optimized the combination of measures. For example, we now mostly use WebP images, which are better compressed than the standard PNG and JPG images. Still, we offer the old formats as a fallback solution for outdated browsers.

Should you have any problems with our website, please report them by e-mail to:


Some customers like to print out certain pages from websites. Unfortunately, printing from web browsers often doesn't produce nice results. A useful hint: you may copy content from web pages (including text and images) and paste them into your word processor to print them from there. This often gives better results.

If you need to document some search results, it can be a good idea to “print” a page content into a PDF document rather to paper.

You are very welcome to place a link to the RP Photonics website on your own website.
The suggested text (which you are welcome to modify):

RP Photonics AG, RP Photonics AG, operated by Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta in Frauenfeld, Switzerland, offering the RP Photonics Encyclopedia, digital marketing of photonics products, simulation and design software, and consulting services for the photonics industry.

The corresponding html code:

  <a href="">RP Photonics AG</a>,
  operated by Dr. R&amp;uuml;diger Paschotta in Frauenfeld, Switzerland,
  offering the  RP Photonics Encyclopedia, digital marketing of photonics products,
  simulation and design software, and consulting services for the photonics industry.

You may also consider a link to the RP Photonics Encyclopedia, or to any specific article in this resource. (We have no objections against “deep linking”.)